Wales' first community owned solar farm raised £905,640 from its first share offer!
2017 REA Community Renewable Energy Project Award WINNERS
'The most commendable sustainable electricity generation project undertaken by a community group across Wales and England'
If you live in the Swansea area you can now buy electricity from this solar farm
The solar park generates enough clean electricity to power over 300 houses.
All our profits will be used for regenerating the local area by supporting land-based livelihoods, and building education and skills in order to make our rural economy more environmentally sensitive and stronger.
Investors in Gower Regeneration Ltd become a co-owners of our enterprise, with equal say in how we are run.
This isn’t just a better place to put money than in a bank that pays no or little interest…
It is a way of brightening the future.

Our Journey
Having carefully nurtured the project from concept since 2014, we secured a £1m loan from Welsh Government to build the solar farm by the end of March 2017.
With a proven track record of putting assets into community ownership, we have now raised £905,640 to put the operational solar far into community ownership!
Projecting a 5% annual interest payment, and a forecast surplus of over £500k to support other social enterprises in the local area, our members are looking forward to this fantastic journey.
Our directors have expertise in business management and careers delivering social and environmental justice.

Roy Church

Ant Flanagan

Ruth Evans

Jim Robinson
Peter Mas Molido
Our Story
A location with a unique geology and topography; a fascinating history; and a strong sense that we need to work collaboratively to take on some of the most serious challenges of our age.
What started as a partnership between Gower Power Co-op CIC and Gower Heritage Centre opened for public investment.
Over 450 investors have taken the opportunity to take part in leading the way locally, for others to follow globally.
Partners, Suppliers & Funders
Our partners, suppliers and funders have been carefully chosen for their expertise and ability to deliver the goods on time.
With a diverse understanding of all things relevant to this project whether technical, legal, financial or a social focus; together with them, we are delivering one of the most innovative renewable energy projects in the UK: WALES’ FIRST COMMUNITY OWNED SOLAR FARM.
We have many people and organisations to thank for where we have got to so far, all striving for the common goal of making this project happen…

Now it's time to reap the rewards.
Our Social Impact
Our Route to Impact plan outlined below shows how the things we plan to do will achieve the changes we want to see.
It helps explain the purpose behind what we’re doing, so that we continue to work in the right way, with the wider goals in mind.